About Us

The New England Newborn Screening Program is a comprehensive public health screening program, serving families in five New England states. The program provides high-quality, timely, low-cost laboratory screening, clinical follow-up, and research to prevent or minimize the effects of disorders that can lead to mental retardation, life-compromising conditions, and death.

We also provide backup services to other newborn screening programs outside of New England.

Serving Massachusetts since 1962, the program was expanded in 1978 when state public health departments in New England joined together to have all newborns tested. Today, the program provides screening for about 500 newborns every day in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Over 40 UMass Chan Medical School employees work every day to help ensure that a joyful birth announcement is not followed by heartbreak. The dedication and daily focus of these professionals assure the worldwide reputation of the New England Newborn Screening Program, which has been operating under the UMass Chan Medical School since July 1, 1997.