Types of Screening: Routine and Optional

Massachusetts offers two different screening options for newborns.

Required Newborn Screening

In Massachusetts, REQUIRED NEWBORN SCREENING is done for disorders that have treatments that are known to be more effective if the disorder is found in the newborn period.

Under Massachusetts’ law, it is a requirement that all babies born in Massachusetts be screened for laboratory markers of these treatable disorders unless parents object on the basis of religious beliefs. 

Voluntary Newborn Screening (Pilot Study)

Massachusetts also offers some newborn screening services that are voluntary.

The VOLUNTARY NEWBORN SCREENING allows Massachusetts to study new disorders for newborn screening.

The statewide pilot study is research that is valuable for future babies and that may be of benefit to your baby.

There is no extra cost and no extra blood required for your baby to participate.

Under Massachusetts’ guidelines, after your baby is born, you will be asked whether you want to take advantage of the NEWBORN SCREENING pilot study.

If, for some reason, you decide that you do not want to participate in the VOLUNTARY program, your baby will still have all the benefits of REQUIRED NEWBORN SCREENING.